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ADLA Executive Committee Meeting

The AEC Meetings shall be held semestral. This meeting shall be spearheaded by the AEC Chairperson or a two-third call from the members of the AEC. The main function of the AEC meeting is to ensure the successful implementation of the annual plan.

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ADLA Board Meeting

The ABR meeting shall be held annually. This meeting is by invitation for the members of the ADLA Board of Representatives. General policies, annual plans, elections, creation of committees, appointments, country reports and issues affecting the Alliance shall be discussed, conducted, and approved by the ABR meeting.

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ADLA Summit

The ADLA Summit shall be held biennially. This is an open invitation event for all ADLA stakeholders (core members, honorary members, supporters and partners) and the general public. The general objective of this summit is to tackle current trends and emerging issues affecting democratic progress in the region.

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ADLA Special Projects

Activities implemented by ADLA solely or in cooperation with other stakeholders.