About Organization

The Asian Democratic Leaders’ Alliance (ADLA) is an alliance of leaders and organizations in Asia, that shares a common interest in making democracy work for the people, in their respective countries and the region, in general. ADLA is a non-profit organization that is open to different political beliefs that adhere to democratic values and principles.

Latest News

ADLA 2022 Meeting

After the successful launch of the Asian Democratic Leaders’ Alliance (ADLA) last December 2020, the network was paralyzed due to the effects of the pandemic. This year, the Board Members of ADLA will meet in-person to decide on the future plans of the network. In this meeting, Dean Danny Quah of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy will deliver a talk addressing the topic “Democratization in Times of Crises” this coming 26th of November 2022. Other organizational matters, such as code of conduct and registration, will also be discussed during the gathering. The meeting will be held in Singapore.

“Good politicians are hard to come by. The necessary skills to be one are complex and at times even contradictory. Good politicians are popular, but do not shy away from unpopular decisions if they serve a greater good. They are willing to listen to advisors to get different perspectives, but at the same time are able to make bold decisions based on an incorruptible set of values.”

Christian Echle,

KASPDA Director 2017-2022

“I always believe that progressive change is best led by the youth.”

YB Zairil Khir Johari

State Executive Councillor for Infrastructure and Transport in the Penang State Government, Malaysia

“Today’s politics is demanding. Whether at the ballot box or in the halls of government, adept political management separate winners from losers, and the KASYP programme is an effort to produce winners.”

Dr. Harshika Varma


“I am grateful to KASYP because it brings together young people of different nationalities and beliefs. It creates a network of trust founded on a common meaningful experience.”

Atty. Marie Gonzales-Molina
